Homemade Tortilla Chips

I’ve had Mexican food on the brain lately. I grew up in AZ and sometimes I just crave chips & salsa. Not exactly a healthy option on Weight Watchers. UNLESS you bake your own chips.
What I do: Take 2-3 delicious corn tortillas (I prefer white corn) and use a pizza cutter to cut them into strips. You can cut them into triangles like the photo, I just think it’s easier to cut them into strips and I also prefer dipping/eating them that way. Put your tortilla strips into a bowl and drizzle your healthy oil on top of them. Rub the oil into the strips and put onto a baking sheet. You can also use cooking spray for this step. Bake at 450* for about 5-7 minutes on each side. Flip them when the top side has browned. They are done when the second side has browned and they are crisp.
For my hot sauce, I take some Pace Salsa (or whatever I bought on sale) & blend it (just in my blender) with some El Pato Jalapeño Salsa (you can usually find this in the Mexican food section of your local grocery store and it’s worth looking for). The more El Pato you use, the hotter your sauce, so pour it to taste. This makes for some yummy hot sauce!
Then I have a bowl of black beans with my chips and salsa and I’ve eaten a nice low point Mexican food meal! Points Plus values depend on the tortillas that you purchase. You can find tortillas that are 1-1.5 points/each. The hot sauce is FREE and the black beans are also free if you’re doing the Simply Filling Technique. Black beans are 2 PP for 1/2 C if you’re not doing SFT.


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